STAY HOME - On a lighter note

With Corona - the Pandemic having created a frightening and paralyzing environment, the whole world chanting the mantra "STAY HOME", I thought of staying home and penning down something on a lighter note essentially for a few moments of distraction.

When celebrities around the world are utilizing the Stay Home time due to the engulfing Corona Virus, rejuvenating their hidden or more appropriate to say forgotten talents like artwork, playing the guitar or even practicing yoga and much more; I decided to re-visit my no-talent zone of Chapathi Making ( Round Indian wheat bread).

I am sure there are a lot of raised eyebrows specially from my Asian viewership, chapathi being one of the staple diets in any Indian household, it should come but natural to any born in an Indian household. But this is one talent so to say, I failed to imbibe from my mother who could very easily make thirty of those well rounded chapathis in just ten minutes.

The girls away from home, the kitchen became a sparingly used space just to make those nutritious diet salads and some gravy for the husband.  Though I must point out, now the kitchen has become the most visited space with the house full, proper meals being cooked and the rising importance and need for the constant pumping of Vitamin C requirements to be looked after with interim lemon juice served, citrus fruit juices, hot water etc. It had been years since I even tried making those perfect round chapathis which would eventually culminate into perfectly traced out maps. Then of course there was the ready to eat packets convincing you to live the effortless life.

So taking the STAY HOME -Quarantine very positively, I have decided to enhance on my talent to make those fluffy wheat bread to be perfect round ones, an emphatic transition from the world atlas that was being made. Only to realize Round is better than Curves; if you can take a joke ;)


  1. Loved this post.. Keep going Beena ����

  2. Its time to enjoy home made more short cuts..frozen chapparis n frequent eating from out ..enjoyed reading..short n sweet.

  3. Why should it be round?any other shape should be fine as long as it tastes like chapati. Do your duty,dont worry about shapely result.☺️Who knows your square one will become the in thing tommorrow👍. Lage Raho...


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