
Showing posts from September, 2019

My First Blog Post

When I decided to write this Blog, I had no clue whatsoever on how to go about it. Not because I was alien to the subject, but because I am not a very sophisticated reader or writer myself who read only high end literature or books with heavy text which literally needs a dictionary to be understood. But then I felt I could reach out to those comradeship of society who shared my likes. I am pretty sure there are many out there who like to slouch back on those comfy cushions and just browse through some lucid writing. Having said that, I definitely look up to icons with such innate abilities with language.  Been born to one such icon, my father, is probably where the seed to my love to write was sown. So I thought of giving shape to my writing through this Blog and take you on a virtual tour of my world of Imaginative Thoughts, Poems, and some thoughtful writing. I am open to opinions, suggestions and criticism; I believe these are the ingredients that maketh a writer. So d